: <<'=cut'

=head1 uze

uze is my attempt to organize my zsh environment into libraries that can be shared and loaded when needed.

sources for the project are available on L.

=head2 uze is just a convention

zsh can source any file from the C<$path>. so when you write

. mylib

zsh will find C whereever in the C<$path>. in addition, you can setopt C to permit zsh to use commands and source files in subdirs so you can now write

. company/std

if there is a directory in your C<$path> that contains a subdirectory C with a C in it.

as example, if C<~/bin> is in your C<$path>, you can store your functions into C<~/bin/company/std> then source them by typing

. company/std

=head2 (my own) uze

my C file does some setopt that add warnings when missusing variable

setopt warncreateglobal nounset

it also activate extended globs and brace expansions

setopt extendedglob braceccl

then it loads some functions that i use so commonly they became first class citizem of my scripting

=head3 shush, shush1, shush2

shush redirect all content of stderr and stdout to /dev/null so you can run command silently.

but sometime you need something to show: shush1 remove only stdout while shush2 removes only stderr.

=head3 warn

warn prints a message in stderr without changing the last command return (C<$?>).

=head3 die

die warns and exit.

=head3 fill

read multiple lines into a list of variables

date +"%Y\n%m" | fill year month
echo $year

=head3 slurp

read multiple lines in an array

getent passwd | slurp users
print "entry of root is" $users[1]

=head3 uzu $ns $symbols[@]

asuming you have a file named C or C somewhere in your C<$path>

uzu foo/bar tic tac


. foo/bar
alias tic=foo/bar/tic
alias tac=foo/bar/tac

Note there is nothing like the perl C equivalent but this would be possible. i just have to figure out a good way to do it.


if you don't want to deploy scripts via distribution tarballs or git repositories, you can fatpack (this is an idea stolen from L) modules in a large self-contained files.

Fatpacking local files using C:

cd path/to/my/uze
cat uze devel/TAP openssl mir > fatpacked.zshenv

Fatpacking distant files using C:

for lib ( uze devel/TAP openssl mir ) { 
    curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eiro/uze/master/$lib
} > fatpacked.zshenv


xargs -n1 curl -sL <<LIBs > fatpacked.zshenv


setopt warncreateglobal nounset extendedglob braceccl pathdirs

shush1 () { "$@" 1> /dev/null } shush2 () { "$@" 2> /dev/null } shush () { "$@" &> /dev/null } warn () { local r=$?; print -u2 "$"; return $r } die () { local r=$?; print -u2 "$"; exit $r } slurp () { IFS=$'' read -d '' -A $1 } fill () { local garbage; IFS=$'' read -d '' "$@" garbage }

uzu/alias () { local uzu_al for uzu_al { alias uzual = uzu_ns/$uzu_al } }

uzu () {

local uzu_ns=$1 uzu_does
typeset -a uzu_can
uzu_can=( ${^path}/{,uze/}$uzu_ns(N) )

((#uzu_can)) || {
    warn "can't find $uzu_ns in \$path"

. $uzu_can[1]
typeset -a UZU_EXPORT
local uzu_exporter=uzu/$uzu_ns  
if {shush which $uzu_exporter} {
    if {$uzu_exporter $@} { uzu/alias $UZU_EXPORT }
} else { uzu/alias $@ }


: <<'=cut'

=head1 uze

uze is my attempt to organize my zsh environment into libraries that can be shared and loaded when needed.

sources for the project are available on L.

=head2 uze is just a convention

zsh can source any file from the C<$path>. so when you write

. mylib

zsh will find C whereever in the C<$path>. in addition, you can setopt C to permit zsh to use commands and source files in subdirs so you can now write

. company/std

if there is a directory in your C<$path> that contains a subdirectory C with a C in it.

as example, if C<~/bin> is in your C<$path>, you can store your functions into C<~/bin/company/std> then source them by typing

. company/std

=head2 (my own) uze

my C file does some setopt that add warnings when missusing variable

setopt warncreateglobal nounset

it also activate extended globs and brace expansions

setopt extendedglob braceccl

then it loads some functions that i use so commonly they became first class citizem of my scripting

=head3 shush, shush1, shush2

shush redirect all content of stderr and stdout to /dev/null so you can run command silently.

but sometime you need something to show: shush1 remove only stdout while shush2 removes only stderr.

=head3 warn

warn prints a message in stderr without changing the last command return (C<$?>).

=head3 die

die warns and exit.

=head3 fill

read multiple lines into a list of variables

date +"%Y\n%m" | fill year month
echo $year

=head3 slurp

read multiple lines in an array

getent passwd | slurp users
print "entry of root is" $users[1]

=head3 uzu $ns $symbols[@]

asuming you have a file named C or C somewhere in your C<$path>

uzu foo/bar tic tac


. foo/bar
alias tic=foo/bar/tic
alias tac=foo/bar/tac

Note there is nothing like the perl C equivalent but this would be possible. i just have to figure out a good way to do it.


if you don't want to deploy scripts via distribution tarballs or git repositories, you can fatpack (this is an idea stolen from L) modules in a large self-contained files.

Fatpacking local files using C:

cd path/to/my/uze
cat uze devel/TAP openssl mir > fatpacked.zshenv

Fatpacking distant files using C:

for lib ( uze devel/TAP openssl mir ) { 
    curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eiro/uze/master/$lib
} > fatpacked.zshenv


xargs -n1 curl -sL <<LIBs > fatpacked.zshenv


setopt warncreateglobal nounset extendedglob braceccl pathdirs

shush1 () { "$@" 1> /dev/null } shush2 () { "$@" 2> /dev/null } shush () { "$@" &> /dev/null } warn () { local r=$?; print -u2 "$"; return $r } die () { local r=$?; print -u2 "$"; exit $r } slurp () { IFS=$'' read -d '' -A $1 } fill () { local garbage; IFS=$'' read -d '' "$@" garbage }

uzu/alias () { local uzu_al for uzu_al { alias uzual = uzu_ns/$uzu_al } }

uzu () {

local uzu_ns=$1 uzu_does
typeset -a uzu_can
uzu_can=( ${^path}/{,uze/}$uzu_ns(N) )

((#uzu_can)) || {
    warn "can't find $uzu_ns in \$path"

. $uzu_can[1]
typeset -a UZU_EXPORT
local uzu_exporter=uzu/$uzu_ns  
if {shush which $uzu_exporter} {
    if {$uzu_exporter $@} { uzu/alias $UZU_EXPORT }
} else { uzu/alias $@ }
