Host your perl project on perlists (en)
In order to support the Perl community, the french "Research and Education Network" (RENATER) hosts Perlists, a free mailing list infrastructure based on Sympa. recently moved their lists on it and you should do the same if you need a free, simple and powerfull way to manage mailing lists and working groups for a perl related project.
Any Perl-related community, monger group or software project is welcome to create mailing lists on this server so you will be able to, from a simple web interace:
- create and manage lists and subscriptions,
- configure and customize lists using the many parameters available
- and much more! (David Verdin (lead developer) gave a talk about all the sympa features at YAPC::Europe 2014 (en) and FPW 2013 (fr)). Sympa is much more than a list manager and provides basic groupware system.
Sympa is written in perl and supported by RENATER, its community is very welcoming and the user base is very large: 90% of the french universities, organizations like UNESCO, NASA, ... it is designed for very large infrastructures and usages.
The project is as active as it can with a very small team, you can see the news from 6.2 version and the ambitious 7.0 roadmap. Every contributor is welcome!
Any questions about Perlists or sympa? please ask .
See you on perlists!

David Verdin, YAPC::Europe 2013